06/11/2020 - 14/11/2020 / 0:00
אל חברי האגודה הישראלית לאנדוקרינולוגיה
ארגון ESPE מקיים השנה סדרת הרצאות וירטואליות (ESPE CONNECT ONLINE) במקום הכנס שאמור היה להתקיים בספטמבר 2020. הסדרה תתקיים בימים 6 – 14 בנובמבר 2020. התבקשנו על ידי ESPE להפיץ המידע (ר”ב).
It is less than a fortnight now until the launch of ESPE Connect Online. Our specially comprised programme was developed specifically to bridge the gap left by the absence of the physical Annual ESPE Meeting in 2020.
The European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology exists to support the advancement of our field, and the development of our community. This is why we opted to make ESPE Connect Online free for all and not just our members.
We are contacting you to kindly request for you to share the following information with your members, as we are sure they will find attendance beneficial:
ESPE Connect Online is taking place 6-14 November 2020. Over this time, registered viewers can access 9 days of the very best paediatric endocrine science from leaders in the field. The specially developed programme comprises of Symposia, How Do I…, Personal Opinion Future Research, Yearbook Sessions, the latest Hot Topics and Industry Sponsored Satellites. There will also be interactive live Q&A’s at the end of most of the days, meaning attendees can get their questions answered. With content released every morning at 8am (CET) and available on-demand, ESPE Connect Online allows our audience access to all of the talks at a time that suits them. What’s more, our official Congress App offers even more flexibility, with all the Meeting content available on mobile devices. To register for free and for more information, please visit the ESPE Connect Online website: https://www.eurospe.org/espe-connect-online-2020/